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Long-Term Support For Yuki Kishimoto


OpenSats is delighted to announce that Yuki Kishimoto has been awarded long-term support for his outstanding contributions to the nostr ecosystem.

Yuki is the maintainer and creator of rust-nostr, a Rust implementation of the nostr protocol. This project includes a high-level nostr client library, language bindings, and more. The goal of rust-nostr is to broaden the reach of the nostr protocol by enabling others to build fast, stable, and efficient nostr applications.

Yuki's dedication to the space goes beyond rust-nostr. He has made significant contributions to other projects such as SmartVaults, KeeChain, rust-negentropy, CDK, BDK, and Mostro.

With help from this grant, Yuki intends to continue improving and expanding rust-nostr, by focusing on the following:

  • Implementing the outbox model
  • Bringing rust-nostr out of alpha and into beta status
  • Extending the project by adding additional libraries
  • Improving unit tests and completing additional bindings
  • Implementing any missing and future NIPs
  • Writing additional code documentation and finalizing the Rust Nostr Book

My goal is to empower individuals to create high-performance, stable, efficient and memory-safe applications in whichever language and environment they prefer.


Our mission at OpenSats is to provide sustainable funding for the builders and maintainers of critical open-source infrastructure within the Bitcoin and nostr ecosystem.

Our LTS program is made possible by generous donors like you. To continue supporting important contributors like Yuki, consider making a donation to The Nostr Fund.